The group consisted of 104 men and boys. They explored several locations along the James River to settle but finally selected a small island and named the settlement Jamestown after their king. Here they created their own House of Burgess and began to make laws to live by. This was the beginning and the birth of our form of government today. This was the first original permanent English Colony.
I had to make sure and get a picture of the princess Pocahontas for my granddaughters. I can now sit down with them and tell the real story of Pocahantos and the her contributions to our country's history. She was a great lady.
While at Jamestown make sure that you take the 5 mile drive around the island and see what the island is like. Yes, it is swamping, but beautiful.
If you ever get the chance take the time to go to the original Jamestown Settlement and check out the archeological digs. This was a great tour and we learned lots about the settlement and what we are doing today to preserve this glimpse back into history.
This was a great site to visit and I found it most enjoyable.
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