Saturday, May 22, 2010

Virginia Adventure

Today, we began another adventure. Who the hell scheduled a flight for departure at 7:25 AM on a Saturday morning. That means our day started about 4:00AM. UGH!

Caught a flight to Norfolk Virginia...oh to get to Norfolk we first flew to Denver found a restroom, got in line and boarded the flight. Next it was to Chicago and then onto Norfolk. Today we spent in the air. Tomorrow we begin the site seeing.

Of course the real adventure today, was signing onto my own blogspot. Incorrect Username or is a incorrect password. Who knows and of course to solve the problem, you have to try all of the configurations. Hm, well after several attempts and trials, I managed to get the right configuration. Hurrah! I won't have to remember everything until I get home.

Needless to say we are grateful to be on the ground at our timeshare, Williamsburg Plantation, with a full stomach now and ready to catch some zzz's.

1 comment:

Bitters said...

ENJOY....I'm jealous i would love a trip right now... I enjoyed the day with your little granddaughter, i was trying to explain i was your little sister she thought that was pretty WILD... We took her to Missy's Lacrosse game and gave Jen a break... Maybe she will want to do Lacrosse now... Keep up the blogging want to see the trip... love ya xoxo