Sunday, October 19, 2008

Scary Times 2008

It's that scary time of the year when ghost and goblins begin to appear or is it the scary fact that people begin to look more like ghost and goblins. Hmm...

Dad and Mom hosted the annual Clyde Family Halloween bash and everyone dressed for the occasion. Let's see we had the Alladin Family in their home spun costumes with Princess Jasmin and Aboo. We also had King Triton and Ariel,Indiana Jones, Hanna Montana, and Star Wars too. A Mexican dude and some ugly looking witch too.

Don't forget the Joker, a safari couple, a BYU player, and Cleopatra.

Wait is that the Clue Family with Professor Plum, Miss Scarlett, Colonel Mustard, Miss Peacock, Mr. Green, and who's that with them? John, Wendy, and Tinkerbell?

I want to know who brought the crazy chicken was it Davy Jones and his pirate in arms, Patricia? Davy did keep mumbling something about Lehman Brothers being the real pirates of the century.

But best of all were Belle and her Beast and Lumiere.

The party was great and we all fun. Thanks Mom and Dad!

And Who did bring the crazy chicken anyway?

Yup, as I said it's that time of year to be scared of who might show up at your door.

Knock! Knock!...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Food for Thought by Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr at one time said:
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

In reference to this comment, a recent author said:
Loyalty is not a synonym for blind obedience or mindless conformity, and taking a stand does not equate to being a troublemaker. After twenty years of studying successful businesses, we have learned that irreverence in an organization can be healthy. In fact, great leaders not only tolerate it, they need it, they want it, and they should expect it. Groupthink--even among the most cohesive and well intentioned members of a team - has been the source of monumental errors and tragic disasters.

What is everyone elses thoughts on this subject?