Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ramblings & Family

Well you all know that I'm concerned about the reorganization of our company and how I will structure my area of responsibilities. Decided two weeks ago that I would wait and see what will happen. Hm.., no changes or indication of movement. Well I take that back our support group is moving forward and HR and Safety have begun to move out of our office and consolidate into a central location.

Last week, attended another SLT and found out that not everyone is on the same page as evidenced in the meeting. Opinions were expressed from top management to senior management have how the meeting should be conducted and what should be covered. Makes it a bit difficult if everyone is not on the same page. I'm sure sooner or later we will get there.

Attended sister company strategic planning so as to demonstrate a unified effort and become more acquainted to how they conduct business and the challenges they faced. Came away frustrated and discourage. Truthfully, do not see a united front and concerned with no action. Determined that the only way that I'm going to obtain answers is to move forward until someone says no.

Put up Christmas Lights yesterday before the cold winter weather strikes. Beautiful day to be out and about. Started new exercise program with our new WII Fit program. Makes working out fun. Maybe I will lose that 25 plus pounds.

Missing my family this week. Thought a lot about Rachel and her family in Ohio. Thank goodness for blogs. She does a great job of keeping us updated on the family and the fun events in their life. Blessed to spend a few hours with Jenny today. Wished we could have seen the kids but it's that time of year when sickness abounds. Always makes me proud and happy to see my grandchildren.

Thankful to find my son with a gleam in his eye as he has found someone that appears to be special to him to date. He hasn't stopped talking about her for two days now. Time will only tell.

Thank goodness that through all of this journey called life, I have my best friend and wife to support me and my children and grandchildren to bring me joy. Life might be tough but the family makes it all worthwhile.


The Boyacks said...

Amen to that. Life is tough but I am thankful for the family. It makes going through life so much more enjoyable. We will come down soon the kids are doing better. Love ya and it was nice spending time with you.

Rachel said...

Thanks for making it possible for my whole family to come and spend some time in Utah. We loved being with the family. Can't wait to see your blog posts from this past week!