Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hall of Fames and Bucket Lists

Well I started playing around on my blog site the other day and ended up adding a few new page elements and giving the whole blog a different look. Hence, I thought that I should at least post a new blog.

First, let me introduce you to our Hall of Fame Gallery. Cheryl and I have in our new home a hallway dedicated to our family pictures. Here is where we hang all of the pictures that bring back the "fond" memories of gathering the children, keeping them clean and waiting for the photographer to say "cheese". We can also look back and say, "Did I really dress like that?" Now directly across from these pictures, Cheryl and I have started a new photo gallery which we call our Hall of Fame. Here we hang pictures that bring back fond memories of parties, camping trips and achievements that our family has accomplished over the years. These are the pictures that make us laugh, cry and smile with fond love for each other. In memory of our Hall of Fame Hallway, I thought it appropriate to share some of those fun pictures with you on our blog and so we have created "The Hall of Fame Gallery" I hope that you all enjoy as much as Cheryl and I have over the years.

Recently, Cheryl and I saw the movie "The Bucket List". What a great movie! After viewing the movie we began to talk and decide that we would develop our own "Bucket List". So the final page element added to the blog is our Bucket List of things that we want to accomplish before we kick the bucket. Now this is a living list that will grow and change depending upon the things that we accomplish and upon the priorities that we establish over time. We share our list with the family and hope that they will be able to share in our accomplishment with us.

Well enough Fro-Frau on the website. Hope all enjoy the changes.


Rachel said...

Great to see a new posting on your blog. I was beginning to think you had forgotten how to blog! I love the pictures and bucket list. Great idea. Keep posting!

Rachel said...

I have a couple of new posts on my blog too. Go check them out. One is a video of none other than the Gabe beast. You guys will like it!

The Boyacks said...

Well done. I love the picture and the bucket list added to your blog. You do such a fabulous job when you blog - please do it more often! We love reading and hearing what you have to say.