Monday, May 16, 2011

Italy Day Four- Lean Tower of Pisa Crumbles to the Ground

Today we traveled west to Pisa where we had the opportunity to visit the Duomo, Baptistery, and the famous Leaning Tower. The morning was fun taking all types of great photographs of the structures and shots of each other. Yes, we took the photo of each other holding, pushing and a push-me-pull-me contest with the tower as the central focal point. It was immediately after leaving Pisa that the tower came crumbling down.
Yes, I am a brilliant engineer who thought that I could focus on several items (i.e. discussion on bus, trying to determine how many photos remaining on memory card, and answering question being asked of me.) Let me assure you I’m not as brilliant as I may appear. After three days visiting various locations in Italy, this brilliant engineer, accidentally reformatted his memory card destroying the last three days of great photos and memories of a life time. The only photo I can show now is a photo of me looking pretty dumb!!!

The remainder of the afternoon, Cheryl and I with another tour couple ventured out in Montecatini and found a vehicular wagon to take us to Montecatini Alto; the village on top of the mountain. It was a beautiful site and a quaint little village that lured one to retire and enjoy the life. We spent the afternoon walking about the village streets and alley ways, finding fantastic photo opportunities and interesting buildings. Hm.. I wonder if I can keep these photos for more than a day.


Lisa Bunker said...

oh Jeff, I'm so sorry! WE had an incident when we were able to take our memory card into Allen's and they were able to retrieve our pictures, I don't know if you will be able to do that, it told us our pictures were gone, I don't know if you can do that if you are using that memory card still, or if it was a totally diffent situation. I so sad for you. ugh!!!!

The Boyacks said...

I am so sorry! Oh - Oh - Oh. That is so sad! I guess you will have to go back again and visit all those sites.